Hi. I'm Shavilya Rajput.

I am a data science graduate skilled in data analysis, machine learning, SQL, Python, ETL, and data visualization. I have a passion for deriving meaningful insights from data and effectively communicating them to stakeholders. With expertise in diverse data analysis techniques, programming languages, and visualization tools, I uncover valuable insights to drive innovation, optimize processes, and discover hidden opportunities. Let's connect to explore collaborative opportunities for impactful data-driven solutions.

Here's all the stuff I do.

personal projects and activities

Maths Score Predictor

Streamlit Application

Maths Score Predictor is a machine learning project that aims to predict math scores based on various features using a Kaggle dataset. This repository contains all the necessary files and code to take you through the entire process, from data collection and preprocessing to model training and deployment.

CMC Scrapper

Streamlit Application

The application maintains a continuously updated dataset of cryptocurrency information sourced from Coin Market Capital. Users have the capability to download the most recent dataset. Behind the scenes, an automated web scraper diligently retrieves and updates the dataset from the Coin Market Capital website.

Opensponsorship Challenge

Streamlit Application

The application contains all the information related to the analytics challenge with downloadable links to my analysis files and a PNG image of powerBI dashboard I created for presentation.

Kaggle Notebooks

Most of my work is shared on Github and Kaggle.

Sentiment Analysis

Scrapped a jewellery dataset and used reviews as label column to predict positive and negative sentiments and etc.

Popular TV Shows

Used netflix dataset to find out meaningful insights related to netflix using data visualization and Exploratory data analysis techniques.

Zomato EDA

Used Zomato dataset and did some Exploratory data analysis and data cleaning to create a clean dataset for creating dashboards.

World Happiness

Used world happiness dataset to analyze and visualize the countries which are happy and the factors responsible for happiness.

Mushroom Classification

Used mushroom classification dataset to analyze different types of mushroom present and the parameters reponsible for predicted a particular type of mushroom.

Gold Price Analysis

Used dataset from kaggle and did analysis of gold price and created a prediction model.

I'm excited to connect with you!